The CEMS Master in Management achieves top positions in the Financial Times MIM Ranking year by year. We asked Jamie Romanet, MIM and Student Affairs Coordinator, about what makes the CEMS MIM so special.
The CEMS MIM seems to differ from other Masters in Management. Can you please describe what makes your MIM so special?
Jamie: CEMS itself is not an educational institution, but a global alliance of academic, corporate and social institutions dedicated to educating and preparing future generations of global business leaders. CEMS value creation is rooted in bringing individuals from diverse backgrounds with shared values together to improve all stakeholders’ outcomes and provide a world-class business education - the CEMS Masters of International Management or MIM.
What's the added-value if I attend classes of the CEMS MIM?
Jamie: Completing the CEMS MIM involves much more than just attending classes. Whether benefiting from the knowledge of top-class academics, learning the trade with corporate experts, understanding how business can be done ethically with representatives of NGOs and inter-governmental organisations or mixing with fellow CEMS students on campus at the many social and educational events staged through the year, CEMS students benefit from a complete learning experience.
The structure, content and application process of the CEMS MIM seems to differ among CEMS partner schools. Can you describe what the different CEMS MIM offers at your partner schools have in common and what differs?
Jamie: We have common application requirements, a common selection criteria, and also set of MIM curriculum requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to graduate; however, what makes the CEMS MIM degree so special is that it is offered globally. In every one of our member schools the degree is influenced and adapted by the culture, history and fields of specialization of that school. Each school has a course portfolio of exclusive and elective MIM courses that are unique to that school and which offer the student a new approach and understanding to the business world. And because CEMS students must spend two out of their three semesters abroad, just the basic fact that they will be living and studying in a foreign country itself influences the dialog, structure, and perspectives of the course or seminar they are attending. Imagine the opportunity to take courses and participate in seminars in Hong Kong at HKUST, and then in the following semester find yourself at management course in Norway at NHH! All the while connecting to and networking with other CEMSie students!!
Can you say something about your graduates? How fast do they find a job? How successful are they?
Jamie: We have now graduated over 8,700 students as of 2013, 94 percent of 2012 graduates were employed or continuing their studies at the time of the survey (5 months post graduation), 48 percent were located outside of their home country, 77 percent working for multinational companies. CEMS Graduates are extremely successful thanks to a large network of CEMSies all across the globe, including 410 C-suite executives.
Is there a typical CEMS MIM student and if yes, could you describe him or her? Who is the CEMS MIM designed for in general?
Jamie: The CEMS MIM degree is exclusively open to those students who are enrolled at one of the CEMS member schools. Typically our MIM students are coming from a Business Administration, Management, or Economics background. To be selected as a CEMS student we have a general selection criteria. The universities evaluate, among many things, the candidates intellectual potential and knowledge, their attitude and soft skills, and lastly their international orientation. Beyond having high marks in their formal education, a CEMS student has the ability to analyze and use critical thinking skills. More importantly, they also must demonstrate and integrate in their actions a high level of integrity and international openness. A CEMS student is motivated to not only learn and succeed in their careers, but they are also motivated to change the world for the better. The MIM is designed for those who are up to this challenge, eager to be apart of this amazing community of academic and corporate partners, and who want to be a global citizen of the future.
Finally, is there any advice or tip you could give to future students in terms of their application for the CEMS MIM?
Jamie: Be sure to highlight not only your formal education but also your soft skills and involvement within your community and/or extra curricular achievements. Above all, be honest and open in your interview. Being confident about your values and your experiences to date as well as clear about your future goals and intentions is very important in the assessment process.