Blogs about Masters in Management (MiM) and specialized Management Masters
You are interested in studying a Master in Management (MIM) or a specialized Management Master, for example in Finance, Marketing, or Social Enterpreneurship? Well, the question then naturally arises: Where to study?
Business School websites already provide you with a lot of information on their programs, admission procedures, career opportunities, and financial aid. Rankings may provide you with another opportunity to learn about specific Business Schools and program. Another opportunity to gain information, however, are blogs from current Master students.
Master Blogs
We started this Master Blog section to provide an additional approach to Master in Management or a specialized Management programs - in addition to existing information sources such as Rankings or Business School profiles. Our Bloggers provide you withunique insights in their personal Master experience, starting from the decision-making process and program selection, through the admissions process and the first weeks in the program, on through the whole program itself. They provide you, thus, with another perspective on a specific program and school - one that you may not get somewhere else and therefore may be very valuable for your own decision-making process.