WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

Master in Entrepreneurship

Your Contact at the WHU

Julia Teuber is program manager for the Master of Science Programs the at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management. She welcomes you to contact her whenever you have questions on the WHU or its Masters.

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Request Info

WHU’s Master in Entrepreneurship program is a consecutive English-language business science program, which is suited to applicants holding a business-related academic degree who either have or are interested in gaining entrepreneurial experience.

With the new 17 or 21 month study program, WHU responds to the increasing demand of professionals in the start-up sector and the corporate world. The program does not only attract future founders, but also entrepreneurial thinking personalities who want to work at innovative companies and organizations after their graduation. It offers a broad insight into central topics such as building a new venture, corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, innovation, product development and technologies, as well as family business and social entrepreneurship.


Teaching ModeFull Time
Academic RequirementsAcademic background in business or economics
Tuition Fees

34,800 Euro (120 credit track)

28.300 Euro (90 credit track)

10% Early Bird discount on ne semester tuition fee possible

BeginEarly September each year
Length17-21 months, depending on the chosen track
Application Deadline

30 April for non EU applicants, 31 May for EU applicants

Application Procedure

For the Master in Entrepreneurship program, we seek Bachelor graduates with a degree in a business-related field of study, as well as graduates from STEM or other subjects who demonstrate an appropriate background in an entrepreneurship-related area, e.g. through electives, their thesis, or practical exposure.

This program is open to candidates with a maximum of about 4 years of post-graduate work experience.

Admission requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with at least 180 ECTS
  • At least 12 weeks of relevant practical experience
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS)
  • Proof of strong analytical and quantitative skills (GMAT/GRE/TM-BASE)
  • International experience of about 3 months
  • Successful completion of WHU admission process
Master in Management | Part 2

Master in Entrepreneurship · 2014 - 2016

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Master in Management | Part 3

Master in Entrepreneurship · 2014 - 2016

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Master in Management | Part 1

Master in Entrepreneurship · 2014 - 2016

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