Antwerp Management School

3Continent Master of Global Management
Teaching ModeFull Time
Academic RequirementsNo academic background in business or economics required
Tuition Fees

€ 27,500

€ 20,000 estimated additional cost of living, housing and travel

BeginMonday September 1st
Length12 Months
Application Deadline

Per partner school and region we accept a limited number of students only. Applications are welcomed until May 1.

Application Procedure


Candidates should hold a degree that represent 4 years of full-time study at university level, resulting in a master’s degree or an equivalent bachelor’s degree (a full time, 4-year curriculum, excluding orientation or preparatory years). It is possible to apply before you have completed your studies. In this case, the selection procedure will take place under the assumption that you graduate from your present studies before starting the program. Fluency in English, both written and spoken is required.