Forum: School selection (2 Comments)

Duke MMS vs LSE MSc in Management and Strategy

  • Posted by - lovereen - on 4 May 2013 - 5:28pm

    Hi All

    I have received offers from Duke for the 1 year MMS program and from LSE for 1 year MSc in Management and Strategy program. Please help me which one I should go for?

    LSE is a well established school and is very well known for its education in Europe. But as far as I know their flagship program is Msc in Management(2 years). Also the course structure for the 1 year MSc in Management and Strategy program is pretty different from the rest of the MIM courses. So I am a little skeptical about the placements.( I am of Indian origin)

    Duke on the other hand is a good school but MIM is not that known in US. Its still a new program for companies in the States. However its course structure is good.

    So please help me, which course should I go for.

    Thanks in advance

    • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 4 May 2013 - 6:32pm

      Hi there,

      thank you for your question. You analyzed the schools and programs very well - and you identified a crucial criterion: What are your job prospects after graduation (provided that the program content, the school's culture, and the idea to spend a year in these countries are equally attractive for you)?

      Here are some guidelines that may help ypu out:

      • If you want to find a job in the US, it is advisable to choose a school in the US. There are always exceptions - but for this you need to idenify them (e.g. by finding a European school that has close partnerships to the US). Unless you are not sure about the value of a European school at US employers, I would go for a US school.

      • I would not doubt in the value of the LSE Master in Management and Strategy compared to the other MIM program at the LSE. This is a great institution with a strong reputation and I am confident that the Master in Management in Strategy is interesting and helpful as well. If you have doubts on the placement, however, I would contact the school (career srevice or admissions service) - they shall tell you the placements statistics for both programs. Openly tell them about your doubts and see how they react.

      • A different question is if you like the structure and content. I mean absent of career aspects. You need to clear for yourself if you are interested in the courses and if you like the structure.

      • As for Duke, I agree that MIM programs are less profilerated and known IN GENERAL in the US. Nevertheless, there is an increasing trend to catch up with Europe with respect to management programs for graduates (e.g. MIM) - as well as 1 year MBA programs by the way. If you have doubts on the value of Duke in the US, I would ask the school - similar to the LSE - for placement statistics and tell them your doubts.

      Best wishes