Forum: General Forum (4 Comments)


  • Posted by - - on 15 September 2013 - 3:23pm


    I'm niharika...and i finished my btech this planning to do MIB(Masters in International Business) course which is offered by GRENOBLE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MDIS.....i want to know the about the institute MDIS's credibility in singapore...if it is a good institute or not...?...about the course MIB....its future prospects...its credibility in INDIA and USA...i know its an upcoming have apprehensions if it'll help me grow in my career...job prospects in singapore and other i would be grateful if u can help me with this...(i have no work experience..and the institute doesn't need a GMAT takes in on GPA)

    Thank you

    • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 16 September 2013 - 1:36pm

      Hi there,

      thank you for your question. In general, the Grenoble Graduate School is a well-recognized school and belongs to the Grand écoles in France. It has a triple accreditation (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS) and its MIB is on position 13 in the FT MIM Ranking. Still, this does not automatically mean that the school is the best school for you. Here are some suggestions how you may find this out:

      "I want to know the about the institute MDIS's credibility in singapore...if it is a good institute or not...?"
      (1) Ask the school's admissions and career office about their impression how well they are evaluated in Singapore. Do they have alumni there? Do they have firm contacts there? Do they have students from Singapore and can they bring you in contact with these students?
      (2) Contact organizations in Singapore - for example, your favorite employers - and ask them (their HR departments) whether they know the school and how they evaluate them.

      "...about the course MIB....its future prospects"
      Here you can ask the Grenoble career office about: How many students find a job within 3 months of graduating? Where did these people find a job (country, industry, firm)? Are these the employers you want to work for? What career services do they provide (e.g. career fairs)? How much experience do they have with placing students of your nationality?

      So, you see that I have translated your questions into more specific questions and recommend you to direct them to the respective people. If the answers from Grenoble are not satisfying for you I would me very careful studying there. If no one in Singapore - particularly your favorite employers - ever heard of the school I would be careful as well.

      Finally, you can ask the school to bring you in contact with students and alumni independent of the questions above - just to get an impression through their eyes, beyond what you read at the school's website.

      Best wishes

      By Thomas Graf

      • Posted by - - on 16 September 2013 - 5:16pm

        hii thomas

        Thank you for your suggestions....this got me thinking on lot of things....could you help me in approaching the grenoble career office....i mean from where should i get in contect with them...?

        • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 16 September 2013 - 7:18pm

          Hi there,

          you can use the REQUEST INFO button on the Grenoble page to send them a message. Just write a polite message, introduce yourself a bit with your interest and background and then pose your questions.

          best wishes