Forum: Application & Admission (7 Comments)


  • Posted by - frenchstudent - on 20 November 2013 - 12:31am

    Good evening,

    I was shortlisted for an interview at HEC Paris' MSC in International Finance program and will be submitting my LBS MiM application tomorrow.
    Should everything go well at HEC, I will be in an uncomfortable position where I would have to accept or decline the offer by December 19th, and I doubt I will hear back from LBS by then. I am highly undecided between the 2 schools as they are both amazing programs.
    Granted this is not an exact process, what do you think would be my chances at LBS with the following stats:

    Undergrad: McGill University, Finance major, 3.5 GPA
    GMAT: 740, 48Q, V44, AWA 5
    Work experience: 7 months and 2 months at major F500 pharmaceutical companies, fully funded fellowship for a 3-month volunteering trip with an NGO in southeast Asia
    EC: solid, but not spectacular

    Any advice appreciated!

    • Posted by - frenchstudent - on 3 December 2013 - 10:43pm

      So I ended up getting an offer today from HEC! Does anyone know about LBS interviews?


      • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 5 December 2013 - 12:33pm


    • Posted by - frenchstudent - on 29 November 2013 - 5:14pm


      To follow up on the previous message:
      I had my HEC interview yesterday. There were 3 interviewers and it lasted about 25-30mn. I was surprised as the focus was not on technical questions (only one very general and opinion-based macro question) while my background is in finance. The rest was based on my background (EC, motivation, career plans, etc.) I am not too sure how it went and will hear back on Tuesday.

      I was also just invited for an interview at LBS, which I am quite thrilled about. I sent my application 8 days ago so the review was quite fast. Any advice on the content? Has anyone heard back as well?


    • Posted by - agarwalanu - on 20 November 2013 - 9:38am

      Hello frenchstudent!
      Can you please share your interview experience for people who will be appearing soon?
      What types of questions were asked? How comfortable were you?
      Did you find any of the questions new, tricky or unexpected?
      Thank you!

      • Posted by - frenchstudent - on 21 November 2013 - 9:37pm

        Sure, I'll share my thoughts next week.


    • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 20 November 2013 - 9:01am

      Hi there,

      your chances should be pretty good. But of course, the interview at LBS will also play a role.

      I wouldn't worry too much at this point in time. First, you are in the middle of an admissions process without knowing the outcome. Could be refusal at both institutions (what I find unlikely); could be acceptance at one institution (then you don't have the decision problem); could be acceptance at both institutions (then - not now - you can still decide).

      Should you really be accepted at HEC and LBS, you can take additional criteria for your decision. For now, you have chosen schools with reputation. But with acceptance letters from both institutions, you may also consider criteria such as

      • overall investment (not only the tuition fees but also the living costs): e.g. do you want to keep your investment as low as possible and study at a place where you have a room on campus etc. or not?
      • option for a scholarship: Where do you get a scholarship? (you may even want to ask for it signaling carefully that you have not decided yet where you will study and that a scholarship could make the difference...)
      • the excitement of the location? e.g. do you want a rather quite place or do you want to study in the middle of a world city?
      • the regional business connections: of course, both institutions have a reputation beyond national boundaries; but still, HEC may have other regional ties than LBS which is in the financial center of Europe
      • the way you are treated during the admission process: where do you feel more comfortable.

      Moreover, I recommend you to talk to current and ex students - you get the contacts via the admission offices. Ideally, you should visit the places in advance but this may not be an option for people outside of Europe. I remember, a friend had MBA offers from LBS, INSEAD, St Gallen, and two other schools - and he visited all 5 of them to make a decision. Given that he had to pay thousands of Euros anyway for the MBA, these additional 1,000 EUR was worth it for him to make a decison.

      Good luck for the interviews for now!

      By Thomas Graf