Forum: Application & Admission (2 Comments)

A(:P)dmission Imperial

  • Posted by - cmagelssen - on 23 October 2013 - 10:53pm


    My name is Christian and I want to apply for the MSc in management at Imperial business school. Do you know how competitive it is?

    I have a MSc in coaching and sport psychology from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, with an avarage grade of A on the Norwegian system from both Master's and Bachelor's (at the Bachelor's I have something in between A and B, but much closer to A than to B). On the Norwegian system, A is the best, E is the worst, and F is fail. For my master's thesis I have been nominated for the young investigator award. My toefl score i 97.

    Do you know my chances for this school?

    Best regards

    • Posted by - Thomas Graf - on 25 October 2013 - 11:40am

      Hi Christian,

      thank you for your message. A good starting point for this is screening intensively the school's website (the MSc in Management part), particularly the FAQs part. Under "What are the language requirements?", for example, you see that they require a TOEFL of 100. Hence, you may need to re-do it. As for your academic grades: If I understand your message right, your grades are all top. So, there is no need to worry here.

      Best wishes

      By the way: If you like the MIM Compass or this Forum, I would appreciate if you could make the Imperial College admissions people aware of it. Thanks a lot in advance.

      By Thomas Graf