Forum: Application & Admission (2 Comments)
What are my chances for MIM program at HEC Paris/INSEAD/LBS?
Posted by - thomas.graf - on 15 June 2022 - 11:23am
in general, HEC, INSEAD and London Business School (LBS) are very selective and place strong emphasis on academic achievements - particularly, HEC. Please havea look at the MIM Entry Requirements Survey where you find detailed information of what these schools require.
To find the right business school and program - and this means: the right school/program FOR YOU (!) - I also recommend you to use one or two afternoons and carefully read my eBook Business Masters: How you find the best Master in Management or MBA. The idea here is that you pursue a strategic approach in searching a specific program such as the Master in Management - instead of only choosing some highly-ranked schools. This strategic approach includes:
(1) a reflection of your career goals
(2) an analysis of you profile
(3) the design of a target school/program for youI am aware that my recommendations mean extra work for you - but this extra work may lead to higher satisfaction on your side than just trying to applying somewhere.
Best wishes,
Thomas GrafFounder of the MIM Compass
Author of the MIM eBooksPosted by - red769 - on 15 June 2022 - 6:12am
Hey all! Kindly help me out -
I'm from BITS Pilani (One of top 10 universities in India) - 2022 Grad
ACAD - 10/10 in X, 97% in +2, 6.5/10 in UG
Work Exp - 18 months of internship experience (including one at an MNC, and one at a foreign company, and 2 at Indian startups), 3 months of work experience at Flipkart in management sector by the time of application.
Leadership - Founded an ecommerce startup during sophomore year and catered to few hundreds of customers. Head of a club at college.
Extra-curricular - Cricket Player at College, Have volunteer experience. Member of few other club and departments.
Languages - Three (Written Proficiency)
No specific international exposure as such. GMAT - yet to give. Official Practice Test Score - 700My low CGPA in UG was due to the other things I was working on - startup and internships. Regarding the impact I had at internships, I have been offered full time opportunities at every internship I have done (4 of them). And concerning the startup, it was the first Ecom startup that offered 3d personalization in live website across hundreds of products. Had to discontinue it though because ran out of money to scale it and sales were slow due to covid. If this helps, I'm the only guy placed at Flipkart for this management role. And regarding international experience, I have worked at a UAE startup as an intern, does that count? The teammates were Indians though. Does this make a lot of difference in my profile? Any way I can make up for this?
I'm mainly aiming for MIM at HEC Paris, INSEAD France, and LBS. Kindly let me know my chances/what I can do to make them better.
Thanks a ton!